Saturday, March 19, 2016

come back ... o imam Mahdi

مرت سنة، كنا فی السنة اکبر سناً و ضیع عاما من حياتنا، و ما رجعتَ. یا 

صاحب الزمان ارجع ... یا مهدی الامم ارجع...

یک سال گذشت، یک سال بزرگ تر شدیم، یک سال از عمرمان تلف شد، ای 

  ...صاحب الزمان  برگرد... ای هدایت کننده امت ها برگرد 

A year passed, we became a year older, a year of our life was wasted, o owner of the time, come back... o guider of the nations of the world, come back ...

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حصة على الشبكات الاجتماعية

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The Supplication for returning Imam Mahdi

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم 

 وَإِذْ نَجَّيْنَاكُم مِّنْ آلِ فِرْعَوْنَ يَسُومُونَكُمْ سُوَءَ الْعَذَابِ يُذَبِّحُونَ أَبْنَاءكُمْ وَيَسْتَحْيُونَ نِسَاءكُمْ وَفِي ذَلِكُم بَلاء مِّن رَّبِّكُمْ عَظِيمٌ

And when We delivered you from Faron's people, who subjected you to severe torment, killing your sons and sparing your women, and in this there was a great trial from your Lord.[2:49]

Friday, February 19, 2016

Pray for appearance

قال مولانا امام مهدی عجل الله تعالی فرجه الشریف :
واکثروا الدعا بتعجیل الفرج فان ذلک فرجکم.

Imam Mahdi (pbuh) said:

Pray too much for our appearance, because it is your relief. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

preserving people of the earth

Imam Ali bin Hussein (pbuh):

We, Ahl ul-Bayt, preserve people of the earth as stars are security of residents of heaven.

Do you know that imam Mahdi is now our Imam and he preserves people of the earth???

Sunday, February 14, 2016

prayer and Satan

Imam Mahdi (pbuh) said:

Nothing humiliate the Satan like the prayer.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Does the Imam Mahdi emergence is close?

What do you thinking about emergence of imam Mahdi?
Is it close?
What is your idea about this topic?
Please give me your comments to publish by your names.
I am waiting for your hopeful comments.
Please share in social networks.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Winning over east and west

The holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: O Ali then there will be twelve imam after me, you are the first and the last is ((QAIM)) is the one that God in his grace, winning him over the East and West of the World (Kamal al-Din Volume 1 and 2, pp. 282 and 259).

رسول الله الاعظم (ص) فرمودند: یا علی پس از من دوازده امام خواهد آمد اول آنها تو هستی و آخرین آنها ((قائم)) است؛همان کسی که خداوند متعال به لطف و کرم خود، اورا بر شرق و غرب جهان پیروز می گرداند(کمال الدین جلد 1و2 ص282و259 ).

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Thursday, January 21, 2016

the hope wont be dead.

We are looking forward to seeing face of imam Mahdi.

1400 years have passed since that day and we are still hopeful. 

Our hope does not die.

one he will returns and free all people from cruelty and injustice. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Imam mahdi is ninth generation of hossain sons

What is relationship between Hussein and Mahdi?
well i am saying to you.
Mahdi is ninth generation of Hussein's sons. in other words Hussein is Mahdi's forefather.
and when Mahdi will return his first sentences is about his forefather.
He will say: i am Mahdi. the remainder of Allah. my forefather Hussein were killed thirstily....
what do you think?

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Where is the emergence place of Imam Mahdi?

what do you think?
what do you know about this?
i answer you...
according to Shia Muslim books and clerics imam Mahdi will appear from mecca in Saudi Arabia.
clerics said that imam Mahdi appear while leaning Kaaba. then he will say: People of the world, i am Mahdi. i am son of Hussain ibn Ali. My forefather were killed and he was thirsty.
be with me
i will say you more about imam Mahdi.

Is it true that mahdi and dajjal are one?

what do you think?
Do you believe in this big lie?
If you search Shia books it is clear that Mahdi isn't dajjal or anti Christ. but if you explore what is happen in middle east you will find that dajjal is ISIS that it's flag is black and kills people and Muslims and Christians. see these images about daesh or Isis or ISIS in Iraq and Syria.

 they are not Muslim but they are hirelings of Saudi regime and Israel and US government.
in next posts i will give you more information about Mahdi and why i say Mahdi isn't dajjal.
be with me.

Ayatollah Khamenei strongly condemns the execution of Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimr by Saudi Arabia

Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, at the start of his course to clerics at the post-jurisprudence level on Sunday morning, strongly condemned Saudi Arabia’s major crime in martyring the pious and innocent scholar, Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimr. Underscoring the necessity for the international community to feel responsibility vis-à-vis this crime and similar crimes committed by the Saudi regime in Yemen and Bahrain, Ayatollah Khamenei noted: “Doubtlessly, this innocent martyr’s blood, which was spilled unjustly, will quickly show its effect and the divine vengeance will befall the Saudi politicians.” 
for more information go to:

Saturday, January 2, 2016

white isis, black isis

two images about killing sheikh nimr.

a hadeeth from imam ja'far sadiq(the 6th imam) about wisdom

one day someone asked imam ja'far sadiq: what is the wisdom?
imam said: the wisdom is something that the GOD (allah) is worshiped by it and by it the paradise will be achieved.
book al-kafi-ver1- p10

why imam mahdi is hidden now??

a very big question??? why imam mahdi is hidden now??
ummmmm....let's go search the history...
the God(allah) sent his prophet muhammad (pbuh) to lead human to good things.
but the God toke him two things to give people: the holy qoran and imam.
we have 12 imam that the first was imam ali (pbuh) and others was his sons to imam mahdi that was the final imam. when the ruthless kings killed all imams but imam mahdi, the final imam feared for his life so he is hidden now. if imam mahdi was among people ruthless kings have been killing him.
in next post i will be say you more about imam mahdi if i will be alive.

who is imam al-mahdi? (2)

who is imam al-mahdi?? what you think about him??
he is the only son of imam hassan al-askari the 11th imam of shia Muslims.
his mother's name is narjis(narsis in latin) and she was from roman empire and the son of Kaiser this empire. maybe it is so so wonderful for you.... yes her parents were prince...
in next post i give you some more information about our 12th imam...
the GOD (allah) bless you.
God please hurry in emerge of your supervisor mahdi

who is imam mahdi?

    Muhammad al-Mahdi
    Muhammad ibn Hasan al-Mahdī is believed by Twelver Shī‘a Muslims to be the Mahdī, an ultimate savior of humankind and the final Imām of the Twelve Imams who will emerge with Isa(jesus) in order to fulfill the mission of his forefathers.
    BornJuly 29, 869 AD, Samarra, Iraq
    Full nameMuhammad ibn Hasan al-Mahdī

happy new all Christians in allover the world

happy new year .....i hope the new year will be the best year of your life...
this is the link of where i get the image.

Ayatollah Khamenei meeting with participants of the Islamic Unity Conference

On the occasion of the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and Imam Jaafar Sadeq, observed on the 17th of Rabi ul-Awal on the lunar calendar, falling on December 29 this year, Iranian officials, foreign guests participating in the Islamic Unity Conference, ambassadors of Muslim countries and a group of people from different walks of life, met on Tuesday morning with Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution. 

In this meeting, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution offered felicitations on the birthday of the Great Messenger of Islam (PBUH) and Imam Jaafar Sadeq. Referring to the fact that the emergence of Islam and the birth and ordainment of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) instilled the essence of life and real spirituality, and sounded the death knell for the dead and pest-stricken world of paganism, Ayatollah Khamenei said the most important task assigned today to the Muslim world, particularly genuine scholars and intellectuals, is to make “serious and brave efforts” to breathe the genuine essence of Islam and spirituality into a world replete with injustice, discrimination and brutality. The Leader of the Islamic Revolution noted: “Today, it is the Muslim world’s turn to move in the direction of developing a ‘modern Islamic civilization’ by applying science and global tools as well as reason and wisdom and prudence and insight.” 

Ayatollah Khamenei issues a second letter to the youth in Western countries

Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a letter addressed to the youth in the Western countries, has described the bitter terrorist events in France as a ground for deliberation. 

Referring to painful examples of the “effects of terrorism, which is backed by certain big powers, on the Muslim world, [powerful countries’] support for Israel’s state terrorism, and harmful military campaigns [launched] against the Muslim world in recent years,” Ayatollah Khamenei said: “I ask you, young people, to lay the foundation for an appropriate and honorable interaction with the Muslim world based on correct knowledge and with deep insight and by taking advantage of tragic experiences [of the past].”

The full text of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution’s letter is as follows:

In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful

To all the youth in Western countries

The bitter incidents triggered by blind terrorism in France motivated me once more to talk to you, young people. In my view, it is regrettable that such events provide the ground for dialogue, but the reality is that if [such] painful issues do not provide the ground for finding a solution and a venue for consultation, the ensuing damage will double. 

The suffering of every human being in any spot in the world is per se sorrowful for his fellow humans. The scene of a child dying before the eyes of his beloved ones, a mother whose family’s happiness turns into mourning, a husband carrying the lifeless body of his wife to somewhere hastily, or a spectator who is not aware that he is going to see the last sequence of his life in moments, are not scenes which would not stir human sentiments and feelings.

Anybody endowed with affection and humanity is affected and touched by these scenes, whether they occur in France, in Palestine, in Iraq, in Lebanon or in Syria. Definitely, one and a half billion Muslims share this feeling and abhor and loathe the perpetrators of these tragedies. But the important question is that if today’s sufferings do not end in building a better and safer future, they will be reduced to mere bitter and fruitless memories. I believe that this is only you, the youth , who by learning lessons from today’s hardships, will be able to find new solutions for building the future, and block off-roads which have led the West to this current position.

It is true that today, terrorism is the pain we and you share, but it is necessary for you to know that the insecurity and anxiety that you felt in the recent incidents differ on two major grounds with the pain that people in Iraq, Yemen, Syria and Afghanistan have endured throughout successive years. First of all, the Muslim world has been victim to terrorism and violence more extensively, on a much larger scale, and for a much longer period of time, and the second difference is that unfortunately, these acts of violence have always been supported by big powers in different ways and an effective manner.

Today, barely is someone unaware of the United States of America’s role in the creation or strengthening and arming of al-Qaeda, Taliban and their ominous followers. Alongside this direct support, the palpable and known supporters of Takfiri terrorism, despite having the most primitive political establishments, have always been among the allies of the West, and that is while the most progressive and the clearest thoughts born out of dynamic democracies in the region have been ruthlessly suppressed. The West’s double-standards vis-à-vis the movement of awakening in the Muslim world is a telling example of contradiction in the Western policies.

Another aspect of this contradiction is seen in the [West’s] support for Israel’s state terrorism. The oppressed people of Palestine have been experiencing the worst kind of terrorism for more than 60 years. If the people in Europe have been taking refuge in their homes and been avoiding gatherings and crowded centers [only] for a number of days, it has been for tens of years that a Palestinian family has not been safe from the Zionist regime’s carnage and destruction machine even at its own home. What kind of violence could be compared today with the Zionist regime’s settlement construction in terms of its intense brutality?

Without having ever been seriously and effectively blamed by its influential allies, or at least the self-declared independent international institutions, this regime has been demolishing the homes of Palestinians and destroying their orchards and farmlands on a daily basis without even giving them time to move their living properties or collect their crops, and all this is often taking place before the terrified and tearful eyes of women and children, who witness the beating and injury of their family members and, in some cases, their transfer to notorious torture chambers. Do you know any other act of brutality on the same scale and dimension and at this rate of persistence in today’s world? If shooting at a woman in the middle of the street only for having protested at a soldier armed to the teeth is not terrorism, so what is it? Should this barbarism not be labeled as extremism just because it is being committed by the military forces of an occupying government? Or maybe these images should no longer stir our conscience only because they have been constantly seen on TV screens for 60 years?

Military campaigns targeting the Muslim world over recent years, which have taken countless lives, are another example of the West’s contradictory logic. Besides human losses, the invaded countries have lost their economic and industrial infrastructure, their drive towards growth and development has been halted or slowed down, and in some cases, turned back tens of years. Nonetheless, they are rudely asked not to consider themselves as oppressed. How can a country be reduced to ruins and its city and village be reduced to ashes and then [its people] be told not to consider themselves as oppressed! Instead of inviting [people] not to understand or forget about tragedies, isn’t honest apology better? The pain endured during these years by the Muslim world due to the hypocrisy and insincerity of the aggressors is no less than material damage.

Dear youth! I expect you to change this hypocrisy-infested mentality at present or in the future; a mentality whose art is covering up far-fetched goals and embellishing sly intentions. In my view, the first step to establish security and calm is to reform this violence-breeding mentality. As long as double standards dominate the Western policy, and as long as terrorism is divided in the eyes of its powerful supporters into good and bad categories, and as long as interests of governments are given precedence over human and moral values, the roots of terrorism should not be sought anywhere else. 

Unfortunately, these roots have also penetrated deeply the cultural policies of the West through consecutive years, and have led to a soft and silent onslaught. Many countries in the world take pride in their indigenous and national culture; cultures that have fed human communities for hundreds of years at the same time that they have been flourishing and reproducing. The Muslim world has been no exception to this rule. But in the contemporary period, the Western world, benefitting from advanced tools, has been insisting on cultural simulation and unification in the world.

I consider the imposition of the Western culture on other nations and belittling independent cultures as a silent and very harmful act of violence. Humiliating rich cultures and insulting their most respected parts are happening while the alternative culture is by no means qualified to supplant them. For instance, the two elements of “aggressiveness” and “moral promiscuity,” which have unfortunately turned into the main components of the Western culture, have downgraded its acceptability and standing even in its own birthplace. The question now is if we would be committing a sin if we rejected a belligerent, obscene and culture that shuns spirituality? If we block the flood of destruction, which is streaming towards our youth in the form of different quasi-artistic products, will we be guilty? I do not deny the significance and vale of cultural bonds. These bonds have led to growth and prosperity and richness every time they have been made under natural conditions and through respect for the accepting society. On the contrary, incongruous and imposed bonds have proven to be unsuccessful and damaging.

I regret to say that vile groups like Daesh are born out of such unsuccessful bonding with imported cultures. If the problem was really ideological, such phenomena must have been seen in the Muslim world before the era of colonialism as well. However, history proves the contrary. Historical evidence makes it clear how the colonialism’s concurrence with an extremist and ostracized mentality in the heart of a primitive tribe, planted the seed of radicalism in this region. Otherwise, how is it possible that a refuse like Daesh could have been born out of one of the most ethical and the most human religious ideologies in the world that, in its essential fabric, draws a parallel between killing a human being and killing of the entire humanity?

On the other hand, one must ask why some people, who have been born in Europe and grown up intellectually and spiritually in the same environment, are being attracted to this kind of groups? Can one believe that these people suddenly turn so extremist as to shoot and kill their own countrymen only after one or two trips to war zones? Definitely, one should not ignore the impact of a lifetime unhealthy cultural feeding in a contaminated and violence-breeding environment. A comprehensive analysis must be carried out in this regard, an analysis to explore the overt and covert sources of contamination of a society. Maybe, the deep-seated hatred that has been sown in the heart of some [social] classes in the Western societies throughout years of industrial and economic prosperity due to inequalities and, at times, [as a result of] legal and structural discriminations, has given rise to complexes that emerge from time to time in such a sickening manner.

At any rate, it is you who should break through the outer layers of your society, find knots and grudges and do away with them. Instead of being widened, the rifts must be narrowed. The big mistake in fighting terrorism is hasty reactions that increase existing chasms. Any emotional and hasty move that would isolate or scare away and unsettle the Muslim community living in Europe and America, which comprises millions of active and responsible human beings, and deprive them of their basic rights more than before, and ostracize them socially, will not only fail to solve any problems, but also increase distances and deepen grudges. Superficial and reactionary measures, particularly when legalized, will have no other outcome but to clear the way for future crises by increasing existing polarizations. According to reports received, in some European countries certain regulations have been adopted to obligate citizens to spy on Muslims. These behaviors are unjust and we all know that injustice is willy-nilly produces reciprocal response.

Furthermore, Muslims do not deserve such ingratitude. The Western world has known Muslims for centuries. Both the day that the Western people settled in the territory of Islam as guests and cast a covetous look on the wealth of their host, and the day that they were the host and benefited from the Muslims’ work and thought, they mainly saw nothing [from Muslims] but kindness and patience. Therefore, I ask you, the youth, to lay the foundation for a proper and honorable interaction with the Muslim world based on correct knowledge and deep insight and by [learning lessons from past] tragic experiences. In this case, in a not distant future, you will see that the edifice you have erected on such a foundation will spread the shadow of confidence and trust over the heads of its architects, grant them the warmth of security and clam, and radiate the rays of hope in a bright future on the world.

Seyyed Ali Khamenei,
Azar 8, 1394; November 29, 2015

The first message by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution addressed to the Western youth had been published in February.

saudi arabia executes top shia cleric sheikh nimr

Saudi Arabia has executed Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr along with 47 others in defiance of international calls for the release of the prominent Shia cleric and other jailed political dissidents in the kingdom.
The state-run Saudi Press Agency (SPA) and state television reported the executions Saturday, citing the kingdom’s Interior Ministry.
According to the Saudi ministry, those executed had been found guilty of being in “terrorism” and adopting a “Takfiri” ideology. All on the list of those killed are Saudi nationals except an Egyptian and a Chadian.
The Saudi Interior Ministry did not elaborate on the method to execute the convicts, but said they were executed Saturday in 12 cities across the country.
Sheikh Nimr, a critic of the Riyadh regime, was shot by Saudi police and arrested in 2012 in the Qatif region of Shia-dominated Eastern Province, which was the scene of peaceful anti-regime demonstrations at the time.
He was charged with instigating unrest and undermining the kingdom’s security, making anti-government speeches and defending political prisoners. He had rejected all the charges as baseless
In 2014, a Saudi court sentenced Sheikh Nimr to death, provoking widespread global condemnations. The sentence was upheld last March by the appeal court of Saudi Arabia.
Amnesty International also criticized the process of Sheikh Nimr’s trial and said it views the charges against the cleric as his right to free speech. 
The death ruling sparked angry reactions from international rights bodies as well as many Muslim nations, including Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan and India, where people staged large protest rallies and called for the release of Sheikh Nimr as well as all political detainees in the kingdom.
Last October, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon also urged Saudi rulers to revoke the cleric’s death verdict.
Human rights organizations have lashed out at Saudi Arabia for failing to address the rights situation in the kingdom. They say Saudi Arabia has persistently implemented repressive policies that stifle freedom of expression, association and assembly.
The new announcement comes a day after a tally by The Associated Press, which was based on reports by Amnesty International, showed Saudi Arabia had carried out 157 executions in 2015, most of which were beheading by sword. This is a record of the most capital punishments conducted in a single year since 1995.
Sheikh Nimr’s family ‘shocked’
Shocked by the news of his brother’s execution, Sheikh Nimr’s brother, Mohammad, slammed Riyadh’s decision, which he said, was a negative response to the Shia cleric’s pro-democracy demands, Arabic-language media reported him as saying. 
He further expressed hope that the expected reactions to Sheikh Nimr’s death would be peaceful.

“Sheikh Nimr enjoyed high esteem in his community and within Muslim society in general and no doubt there will be reaction,” Mohammed al-Nimr told Reuters, adding, “We hope that any reactions would be confined to a peaceful framework…Enough bloodshed.”
The list of those executed on Saturday does not, however, include Ali Mohammed Baqir al-Nimr, the cleric’s nephew, who has also been sentenced to death over his alleged role in anti-regime protests in 2012, when he was 17 years old.
Many countries and human rights bodies have called for Ali Mohammed’s execution to be stopped.